Guys, we have to face facts … CBS Sports “Bracket Games” is a train wreck.

“And let’s check in to see how things are going over at …”

The Commish needs to vent.

So, in the two years since they last hosted March Madness pools, CBS ended up making wholesale changes to their March Madness hosting platform. I’m not sure if the folks who participate in my pool see much of a change, but guys, let me tell ya, as the “Bracket Manager” (as they like to call us), the “new and improved” website is, well …

From not being able to send out invites directly via the website, to no longer having the ability to see who has/hasn’t completed their brackets, to having my last 15 years of CBS standings wiped out, to not being able to view a list of everyone that’s entered a bracket … well, not until Friday after games begin anyways, which will be too late to help me. Let’s just say, I’m not a happy Commish these days.

And the worst of it all, it appears that the website lets you start a bracket and leave the page without saving it, which was not the case under the old platform. My greatest fear is that come Friday, I’ll find that there were folks who believed they had successfully completed their bracket, but either didn’t enter the “total score” tiebreaker or didn’t click “Submit” when done with their picks, and thus will be on the outside looking in when the Tournament starts.

Yep, not great, Bob. Not great at all.

There, I had to get that off my chest. Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s St. Patrick’s Day and I’m off from work the next 2 days, so I’m going to go have some green beer.

Commish out!

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