Well, this one was over early, folks. “The Lion King,” a heavy Vegas favorite, stormed out of the gate to take a 20+ vote lead by mid-morning over “Finding Nemo” and never looked back, cruising their way to an impressive 138-76 blowout win.

One got the sense early on that the “Finding Nemo” squad was a bit intimidated heading into the match, highlighted by this unfortunate incident in pregame warm-ups …

Good thing Team Nemo wasn’t wearing their home whites

The victory capped an impressive run by “The Lion King,” whose carefree, “no worries,” problem-free, philosophy served them well in their rare “crunch time” moments in the tournament.

Team captain Rafiki raising the Stanley Cup

The post-game celebration was marred a bit though when team security was forced to escort the following individuals out of the locker room after showing an unusual amount of interest in several of the Pride’s cubs …


As for the bracket, for those who were keeping track at home, here is how things shaped up in the end:

Click to open in new window

Well, that’s a wrap, folks. Thanks to everyone for participating. Hopefully, this served as a bit of a diversion from, well, you know … “current events.”

And, finally, as is March Madness tradition, check out the special Disney “One Shining Moment” version that my guy, Luther Vandross, cut just for the Disney March Madness Tournament. Enjoy.

The Commish

2 thoughts on “LONG LIVE THE KING!

  1. Thanks for the fun this March Madness “season”…it was a great fill-in since the basketball tournament had been canceled. We adjusted our big competitive family pool to be centered around your blog and your Disney movie bracket!! Got some great laughs and a nice way to lighten up every day! Thanks for putting this together and sharing it. Although I didn’t win the big pot of money with my family pool, it definitely made the last few weeks entertaining!

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