“Lion King” roars into Elite Eight vs “Up!” “Finding Nemo” set to bring the heat to “Frozen!”

Not so Sweet 16 for Princess Ariel! #4 “The Little Mermaid” sleeps with the fishes! 

Oh, he dead, alright!

“The Little Mermaid,” the Mickey Region’s beloved #4 seed, has been vanquished back from whence she came (*cue that “Under the Sea” tune*) after getting mauled 146-70 by the Region’s #1 seed, “The Lion King” in their Sweet 16 match-up.

The win advances Team Simba to the Regional finals, where they’ll be joined by #3 “Beauty & the Beast,” #3 “Frozen,” and #2 “Monster’s Inc,” all of whom turned in impressive Sweet 16 victories yesterday:

“Monster’s Inc’s” victory brings to an end any title hopes for #14 seed “Tangled,” whose Cinderella run to the Sweet 16 had captivated the nation. At first, I was a little puzzled why “Tangled’s” support with the masses had suddenly collapsed, until Asst. Commish Lauren Dennehy alerted me to the following coinky-dink from the film:

Did “Tangled” hit too close to home?

Turning our attention to today’s schedule, the Elite Eight gets under way with Regional Finals for both the “Mickey” and “Small World” regions on tap:

MICKEY REGION: #1 The Lion King vs #2 Up


SMALL WORLD REGION: #1 Finding Nemo vs #3 Frozen


And, finally, please let the record reflect that the Elite Eight consists of three #1 seeds (Lion King, Finding Nemo, & Toy Story), two #2 seeds (Up, and Monster’s Inc), two #3 seeds (Beauty & the Beast, and Frozen), and one #4 seed (The Incredibles). The Selection Committee will now officially be accepting apologies from all y’all who blasted the tournament seeding.

Commish out!

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