Commish DOUBLES (yes, *DOUBLES*) the number of daily polls! Shows he’s a true man of the people!



Well, good thing I don’t gamble. Yesterday, I talked about what a tough fight #14 “Tangled” had on it’s hands going against #3 “Toy Story 3.”  Ouch! Tangled ends up pulling off the biggest upset of the tourney thus far, taking down a film that many people had going a long ways. People, for instance, like Me & Mrs. Commish (she considers it the best of the Toy Story series), who had it going to the Elite Eight and Final Four, respectively. Ouch, again!

The gang watches as Mr & Mrs Commish’s brackets go up in flames

Joining “Tangled” in advancing to the next round were “Bambi,” “Dumbo,” and “Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs,” all of whom won by comfortable margins. It was a little touch and go for Snow White’s squad early on though, as her team’s lack of height put them at a distinct disadvantage going up against the 6’4 “Lord of the Jungle” (so-called). Eventually though, their superior work ethic kicked in and it was off they’d go, making “short” work of the might Tarzan (“short” work … get it?)

These guys are all business

Of course, moving right along, as they say in the newspaper biz, I’ve “buried the lede” with today’s update. That’s right, just like surgical mask manufacturers these days, I too have decided to ramp up production in order to meet demand … with more polls! Yes, that’s right, friends,  your beloved Commish has decided to *DOUBLE* the amount of daily polls from 4 to 8!

So, without further ado, as 1970’s rock band, T-Rex once so eloquently put it … let’s bang a gong, and get it on:

PIXAR REGION Match 1: #3 Beauty & the Beast vs #14 Frozen II

A tale as old as time, as Belle and her hairy love interest, aka “Beauty & the Beast,” nominee for Best Picture in 1991, do battle against Anna, Elsa, and the rest of the gang from “Frozen II,” the underwhelming 2019 sequel to the oh-so-annoying 2013 mega-hit, “Frozen.”

I know, I know … “Commish, why all the hostility towards Frozen? Can’t you just let it go?” (Sorry. I’ll just go ahead and see myself out)


PIXAR REGION Match #2: #5 Aladdin vs #12 Tinker Bell

A kickass soundtrack plus Robin Williams’ masterpiece performance as the Genie spearhead “Aladdin” (1992) as it goes up against everybody’s favorite pixie, “Tinker Bell” (2008).


MICKEY REGION Match #1: #5 101 Dalmatians vs #12 The Fox & the Hound

Pongo, Perdy, and the rest of the “101 Dalmatians” (1961) and “The Fox and the Hound” (1981) are next up on the schedule. Fun Fact: Asst. Commish Lauren absolutely *loved* “The Fox and the Hound” when she was little. Only problem was she’d pronounce it “The F***in Hound.”  Yeah, so that presented a few awkward parenting moments for us when she’d blurt it out in front of our friends.


MICKEY REGION Match #2: #5 Incredibles 2 vs #12 The Rescuers

The Mickey Region’s next match features “Incredibles 2,” the 2018 sequel to “The Incredibles,” vs the 1977 hit, “The Rescuers”


SMALL WORLD REGION Match #1: #7 Lilo & Stitch vs #10 Alice In Wonderland

#7 “Lilo & Stitch,” the epic 2002 Hawaiian adventure gets things started off in the Small World Region, as they take on #10 Alice in Wonderland.


SMALL WORLD REGION Match #2: #3 Frozen vs #14 The Hunchback of Notre Dame

And here it is, the 2013 smash hit that spawned a million parental headaches due to their kids belting out that “Let it Go” song, as #3 “Frozen” takes on everyone’s favorite bell-ringer, Quasimodo, star of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” (1996)


PRINCESS REGION Match #1: #7 Ratatouille vs #10 The Good Dinosaur

A little Pixar on Pixar crime, as #7 “Ratatouille” (2007) hopes to make like that prehistoric asteroid and kill off “The Good Dinosaur” (2015)


PIXAR REGION Match #2: #4 The Incredibles vs #13 Brave

With apologies to Iron Man, Captain America, and the rest of the Marvel movies, this match features the greatest superhero movie of all-time, #4 “The Incredibles” (2004), as they go up against that fearless ginger archer herself, Princess Merida, star of “Brave” (2012)


Phew! And that is a wrap for today!

The Commish

PS – Reminder … all polls close in 24 hours

Updated bracket:

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