Clock strikes midnight for Loyola! Sheryl Hemphill’s Cinderella run alive & well though!

It was fun while it lasted, Sister Jean. #11 Loyola’s miraculous run has come to an end, as they went down in defeat at the hands of #3 Michigan, 69-57, in a game they actually lead at the half. Michigan will now face the tournaments #1 overall seed, Villanova, on Monday night, as the Wildcats destroyed Kansas by a score of 95-79.

Heading into Monday night’s championship game, here’s how the standings shape up:

No, that’s not an April Fool’s Day joke … that really is Sheryl Hemphill in both 1st *AND* 2nd place.

Sure is, Larry. Sure is.

Sheryl, a former co-worker of mine when I worked in Connecticut, and who served as Assistant Commish for a brief period, played 4 brackets this year, 1 for each member of her family, presumably. She’s being rather tight-lipped about whose picks are whose though. Thinking her kids may need to retain counsel until this all gets sorted out.

In any event, here are the two possible scenarios for how things could end up:

If Michigan wins:

  1. Sheryl Hemphill
  2. Sheryl Hemphill
  3. Bill Corcoran (another former CT co-worker)

If Villanova wins:

  1. T.J. Barresi (2016 Champ)
  2. Taylor Schwartz
  3. Hayden Horner

T.J., the 2016 GAMM champion, is the brother-in-law of my CT co-worker, Judy Cosgrove (more on her later), while Taylor Schwartz is a friend of my daughter, Lauren, and Hayden Horner is both a co-worker and a friend of the aforementioned Lauren.

Everybody got it?

Okay, good!

So, good luck to all of those with a shot a the money! As for everyone else, well, let’s let Mr. Wonka sum it up …

Yes, “good day” indeed!

So, I mentioned Judy Cosgrove up above. Judy is a long-time participant who hopefully won’t be attending Easter dinner with brother-in-law, T.J., today. It’s bad enough for her that he’s got a legit shot of winning his 2nd championship in 3 years, which he will no doubt be letting her know about it. Oh, no, to make matters worse, as it turns out, Judy’s bracket is firmly entrenched in a tie for last place with Chris Thomas’ with a measly 26 points. So, that too might come up at Easter dinner today. Just sayin’.

A tie for last place is a 1st in GAMM history, I believe. Your beloved Commish has therefore convened an emergency session of the Executive Planning Committee and we have decided the tie-breaker for biggest loser will be whoever’s champion got eliminated 1st. You’d think Judy’s selection of Xavier, eliminated in round 2 by FSU, would be enough to seal the deal, but unfortunately (fortunately?) for her, Chris Thomas is a Virginia resident and picked, yep, you guessed it … #1 Virginia, historic 1st round losers at the hands of #16 UMBC. So congrats, or condolences, however you want to interpret it, to each of you. Chris … you’re now entitled to a $5 refund. Contact me so we can arrange payment.

Oh! Almost forgot, speaking of payments … Kenny Wilson? Still no entry fee.

C’mon, Kenny! Show me the money!

The Commish



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